John Archi.

Licensed Interior Designer. More than 50 projects done.
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I am an interior designer from Brooklyn, with a strong focus in interior and furniture design. I love to get new experiences and always learn from my surroundings. I’ve done more than 50 projects. You can check it through portfolio section on this website. I looking forward to any opportunities and challenges.

My Experiences

2014 - Now


Chief Executive Officer

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2012 - 2014


Sr. Interior Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

2010 - 2012


Jr. Interior Designer

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2008 - 2010


Interior Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Work Process

  • Meet & Agree
  • Idea & Concept
  • Design & Create
  • Build & Install

Define the purpose and goals of the meeting: Before the meeting, it’s important to define the purpose and goals of the meeting. What is the objective you hope to achieve? What are the desired outcomes? This will help you to stay on track during the meeting and ensure that everyone is clear about what needs to be accomplished.

Research and gather information about the problem or opportunity. This may involve market research, customer feedback, industry trends, or other relevant data. This will help you to understand the context and identify potential solutions.

Create a design plan that outlines the steps needed to bring the concept to life. This may involve design, development, testing, or other activities. Assign responsibilities and timelines for completion.

Begin the build process, using the plan and resources gathered to create the product or design. This may involve assembling parts, writing code, or other activities.


Hours of Works


Projects Complete


Slice of Pizza


Cups of Coffee

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